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(646) 921-4298

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We are AdaptDM

AdaptDM helps businesses unlock their full potential with predictability by utilizing online marketing.

Interested in partnering with us?

Schedule Your Strategy Session

You’ll book a call at a time of your choosing using the online calendar that’s presented to you.

Show Up and Strategize

Together we will produce the plan that is right for your business and put you on the path for exponential growth.

Onboarding & Campaign Launch

Simple as that. We will begin to watch, manage, and perfect your ads like hawks, bringing in more customers for your business. There’s no time better to begin than now.

Adapt, Grow, Build

Deal directly – and exclusively – with customers who are actively looking for a service.

Our Services

What we provide for our clients to help them maximize growth


Lead Closing Software

With our fully transparent lead closing software you will be able to track and close each lead/customer and utilize many different automations and funnels. Removing many headaches.


Online Advertising

Capitalizing off of many platforms by producing successful ad campaigns. These campaigns are fully managed 24/7


Web Development

Feel your current website is lacking or need a brand-new one built? We have professionally made and proven websites, perfect for any business.

Our Mission

We offer a 100% Return on Investment guarantee. If we don't perform you don't pay. Simple as that.

We do this because we believe in proving ourselves to those who put their trust in us. We are here to help.

Generate leads using the power of online ads.

We help service-industry business owners surpass the competition by leveraging the power of Online advertising. It’s a gigantic advertising avenue that offers huge opportunities for those willing to take advantage. That’s how we make our clients win.


Average cost-per-lead reduction: 75%

We only work with businesses. We only do online marketing.

We are a specialist service leads company that works only with service-based businesses – and only in the USA. We do not work with any other industry or in any other country.
We use Online ads to locate and attract motivated, qualified ‘ready to buy’ customers. ————————————————–

Average cost-per-appointment reduction: 80%

Leads that convert over and over again

Our customers agree that our leads are cheaper to acquire, quicker to close and more reliable to follow up than anything they've achieved elsewhere – or any other kind of traffic channel they’ve used in the past. We retarget those same leads and achieve repeat customers for all our clients. Achieved with retargeting and professional management. ———————————————

Average cost-per-sale reduction: 65%

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Contact us at any time.

Talk with an AdaptDM professional with any questions.

  • (646) 921-4298


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Built with the thought of helping local businesses around the US grow into something they are proud of.

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  • (646) 921-4298

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